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NO LONGER FOR SALE -- Saskatchewan - Milking Shorthorn X Holstein cow

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I CANNOT, in good conscience, sell this cow due to some new information on her.

Candy is for sale.  Here's how I ended up with her and why I'm selling:

I've been looking for a home milk cow for a while now.  I inquired on some ads, followed up and got shot down on proposal of purchase by payment over time.  I saw the advertisement for Candy and decided, why not give it another try.  The advertisement marketed her as:
- Halter/Lead Broke
- Lead tied to be milked
- Organically raised
- 6 Years old
- Producing a gallon a day
- AI Bred to a Red or Black angus bull (they couldn't remember)
- Comes with a working Milker
- Small teats
- 50/50 Milking Shorthorn X Holstein

When I got out there to see her, she was friendly, just disinterested as she had been milked in the morning.  We loaded her (with a bit of a struggle, as she had only been loaded one other time), brought her home.  The seller must have seen me coming before I ever got to Saskatoon.  Excited, and having borrowed truck and trailer and driven all the way up there, I didn't stop to take the time I should have.  Her two front teats looked normal, a little stubby but hand milkable and it never even occurred to me to check the back ones.  Her back teats aren't short, they're pointed inward at eachother.  A calf wouldn't have an issue, nor does the milker, as the calf would just milk the side opposite to him/her.

After getting her home, though curious and friendly, I found out she is NOT halter or lead broke, doesn't tie to be milked unless there is a bucket of grain in front of her.  The milker, which I thought had hard water stains, was filthy -- so much so it looked as though it had cheese in it.  After two hours of cleaning it, we went out to milk her.  The milker was a struggle to get working (and I've used these before, I get how they work), and after straining the milk we found out she had a full blown case of mastitis.

I texted the former owner and he said that his son had noticed "some stringiness" and that they had treated her with Clomid the day before.  So... not organic, and the mastitis was pretty bad.  I tried to get him to take her back and he would only do so if I rented another trailer, borrowed another truck and spent another $350 dollars in gas to get her back.  Despite arguing that this isn't a matter of regret and that I wouldn't have picked her up if I had been informed she had mastitis, he has refused contact with me since despite the fact I still have 3 payments on her.  After 2 weeks, a broken/intermittent milker and all 4 quarters medicated with a teat infusion, she is finally cleared up and delivering 2 gallons a day.

Because the milker is so fickle, I'm selling her.  She can either go as a home milk cow to someone with a functioning milker and a headgate/stall setup, or as a nurse cow.  As far as I'm aware, she's never been used as one, but I was told she has raised all 4 of her own calves; as long as there's grain in front of her, you can do almost anything you like to her.  I was told when she freshens, she does 6-9 gallons a day.  A lady appway put me in touch with said based on the picture she's seen of her (below), her experience leads her to believe she would produce 4 - 5 gallons a day after freshening.  She is due to calf first week of May.

If you have anymore questions or would like to come see her, or know someone who would be interested in her, please let me know.  I owe $1500 on her, and that's what I'm asking.  I'm open to discussion.

Thanks so much, more pictures to come this weekend.

NO LONGER FOR SALE -- Saskatchewan - Milking Shorthorn X Holstein cow IMAG1240_zpsdcc98942

Last edited by Sweetened on Mon Jan 13, 2014 7:09 am; edited 1 time in total



Golden Member
Golden Member

Sweetened. Sit down. We have to talk.

I have been thinking about this while I was doing chores. This is making me very angry.

In my many years I have always been ethical, fair, kind and generous. The result is that I have been taken advantage of more times than I care to admit. I would advise you as you start out in tis life to be fair, kind, honest and generous to all who deserve it. Start every transaction believing the best in people, BUT HAVE PLAN B!

Are you saying that you still owe money to this shyster, and that you still intended to pay it ?!?!?

This is how I think you should view this and what I think you should do.

Send him a LETTER, not a text, a LETTER. IT will say:

To Whom It May Concern:

In the matter of the sale of the misrepresented milk cow, let it be known that the termination of this agreement happened when the seller knowingly sold a sick and unsuitable cow. There is, due to this deliberate misrepresentation, no money owing, the contract being voided by the enormous douche bag move pulled by the seller.

However, the current owner of the cow, the seller, DOES owe certain fees to one Ms. Sweetened, hereby notified. For transportation of sick animal to healing centre, $750. FOr daily care, board and medication of said animal, $4000. For destruction to property and danger pay due to wild nature of the misrepresented beast, $2000. The seller has 5 days to remove the animal from its current location and pay, in full, cash please, the sum of $6750 or the animal will be sold to recover costs. A claim is being placed against the seller in small claims court for this amount. Please expect legal notification from my lawyer.

Yours Sincerely, Sweetened, or Here's Where The Sweetness Ends.

Honest to Gordon, Sweetened, us nice guys of the world have to quit casting our pearls before the swine. Take this guy to the mat. ANd for Gordon's sake, DO NOT forward to him one more penny!


Full Time Member
Full Time Member

I don't have his address! Only a general area direction in which he did live.

I thought about this, but I feel like I got the cow, I at least owe something, whether it was misrepresented or not. He told me he'd take her back if -I- took her back and I refused due to cost, stress, and convenience. Last time I moved her, it involved her escaping and running down a grid road x2 and me having to get 8 people to round her up. She was a freedom cow, a rebellion against my oppression.



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Full Time Member

If it helps, I screencapped the texts.



Golden Member
Golden Member


You bought the cow intending for her to be useful. SHe is not. You got nothing! NOTHING! You put out money for a recovery of NOTHING. What you did was save this guy the time and cost of his own trip to the auction yard to unload her.

If you don't have his address, how do you plan on sending him money? Eh? Carrier pigeon? IF he has stopped responding to your texts, I would NOT SEND HIM A PLUG NICKLE!

Can you really afford to finance other people's crooked natures? No! STOP THAT!


Full Time Member
Full Time Member

uno wrote:If you don't have his address, how do you plan on sending him money? Eh? Carrier pigeon?

Email money transfer...

 silent meep..




I agree with uno, selling a sick, treated cow is a big no no! especially without telling you! I would tell him that he can come pick her up or you will sell her for what she's worth and send him what you get for her. Or you could wait until she calves again her teats will be much easier to reach when she is fresh and producing lots of milk again. Too close rear teat placements are very common in the Holstein breed.


Golden Member
Golden Member

Gotta go with Uno on this but i will go one further. Cut your losses, rent the trailer. Load her up and bring her back. Present him with a bill for her return and your costs. You probably won't get any money but you won't have that cow either to deal with. Then...and I am gonna say it...chalk this up to expensive experience and move on.

Now, I am going to gird my loins, send this and not edit because it is how I feel.


Golden Member
Golden Member

You go, KickAssSue!


Golden Member
Golden Member

Do not pay him any more money.



Golden Member
Golden Member

See, see, Sweetened, a backlash is mounting!

People are tired. Tired of being oppressed. Tired of being downtrodden. Tired of teats that point the wrong way!

It is time to rise up! TIme to take the bull by the horns. Time to return this cow and her udderly useless udder. Time to say NO. NO! We will NOT pay for shoddy goods. We will NOT make good the bad mastitis! We want what we want and we DON'T WANT THIS!

Humanity, come together! Unite! Join hands in this refusal to tolerate bad livestock and worse, the crooked dealings of the wannbe farmer who is a crook in shepherd's clothing. In the words of the fabulously coiffed Twisted Sister, "We're not gonna take it, no, we ain't gonna take it! We're not gonna take it anymore!"  I rest my case.


Golden Member
Golden Member

Hear, hear!

And always remember...

Nice people are not always good, and good people are not always nice.


Full Time Member
Full Time Member

I will say, she's a viable cow for someone, just not for us.  She was misrepresented and, interestingly, I was contacted through my kijiji ad yesterday by the woman who purchased this guys Jersey, and she is going through the exact same thing.  I am contacting my lawyer today.

I appreciate everyone's input. No need to edit, Miss Sue Razz



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Full Time Member

gubi wrote:Too close rear teat placements are very common in the Holstein breed.  

I also wanted to comment on this. Her teats aren't too close, one teat is built differently, you can feel that when you touch her udder, so the one teat in the back points inwards and I think the formation of it pulls the other teat in the back to an angle with it.

It's the first to milk out entirely as long as you have a milker. A calfs suckling motion would make the teat work the same as being milked with a milker, but it is very difficult to do by hand, on top of the fact that she dislikes behind hand milked.

I'm trying to get her where she needs to be: a nurse cow, where her tit shape isn't a make or break.



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I have sent a notice to him to her her picked up within 5 days or she is considered paid in full, at which time I will have her butchered.



Golden Member
Golden Member

Make sure you check the withholding period on the drugs she got. I would feed her up a bit so you get a decent product. Holsteins have very high marbling in their meat.


Full Time Member
Full Time Member

14 days withdrawl on the drugs she was on. She's well fed. As days go by, she seems to be in more pain. She's been kicking at her udder when I try to hand/machine milk when the milker feels like working. It is what it is =/


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