Tara, I love how you love me. And thank you for those kind words, sometimes I just don't know what to say, but that you express how you love me, thank you my friend. Yep, visiting at my family's homes this weekend. My lil' Sister is our mainstay, with her mountain of kids, smiling. We are in Surrey, in a most beautiful neighbourhood. We were up late, but still I was up reasonably early hour, had stuff to do and that is a quiet time. I hear rustlings all over the house, life is beginning to a beautiful and sunshiney day. The big family party is tonight, food brought from all families, and beautiful times. I have a couple of very close friends here on the coast, and may bring some little chickies home. My friend in Greendale comes to mind, gonna see what she got. I have 3 week old chicks and they would be kind to anything that I brought home. These little ones are still living in their segregated areas with the older, nearing adult buffs orpingtons, cochins, barnevelders and Coopslaves beautiful blue Coopers.
Shan't linger, the business will soon begin. But I thought I would post a picture of the front yard of my Sister, the greeting for anyone that drives by or comes in. If I had room, my gardens too would be like this, just like back in my coastal life, only now three years gone by. A mirror image of me, but different looking and much younger. all the flowers were born from seed my Sister sowed, except for the dahlias, that was purchased tubers. Enjoy this picture, I may have more to come. And as Tara so loves to hear, this is for you girl, my wishes for all to have a beautiful and wonderful day, CynthiaM.
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