My brain is on overload trying to find a way to make all the broody's happy and not have to brood any myself. I am getting 4 day old barnies today. At first I was thinking "what if" I gave those to the hen who has been sitting for 10 days. and then" what if" I gave her eggs to the one who went broody two days ago. Then I remembered that Briarwood was hatching some ameracuanas for me around the fifteenth. Could I put those under the first broody who will hopefully take the barnevelders? Then I thought "what if "I gave the barnie chicks to the little barred rock who has been unsuccessfully brooding for months. She is roosting off and on now but is on her nest all day every day. Then "what if" give just the ameracuanas to the first broody and everyone will be happy(maybe)! Does anyone else experience this kind of insanity?. I can't seem to stop my brain from trying to create a solution.
Western Canada Poultry Swap