What is Agrisept-L used for?
Agrisept-L is used to help kill:
E. Coli
Sore Throats
Viral infections
Antibacterial issues
Specifically, Agrisept-L has been used:
HOSPITAL USE: Safe, non-toxic and efficient. Agrisept-L has become the disinfectant and sanitary agent of choice of many hospitals and clinics in the USA in the laundry. Agrisept-L assures linen free from fungus and bacteria. Adding as low as 10 to 15 drops of Agrisept-L to the final rinse water will accomplish this result. Jerry Skidmore CLM operation director of linen in Florida Hospitals writes "After 30 years experience in the linen industry, it is only by using Agrisept-L that I am convinced that our hospitals offer a total protection against fungus and bacteria infections in our linen. It is comforting to know that even after an exposure of many hours to bacteria usually found in hospitals the treated linens are free. Hospitals also use Agrisept-L for shampooing the rugs. They report that 10 to 15 drops per gallon of water efficiently kill Staph, Strep, Aspergillus, Salmonella and other pathogen agents found in rugs. Agrisept-L at higher concentration is used to disinfect Surgery Rooms and similar places. The regular concentration is around 300ppm for Surgery Rooms. We frequently use Agrisept-L in Concentration as 1%. A Southern California clinic has recently purchased Agrisept-L to use in its inhalers to control respiratory infections. Many more usages of Agrisept-L are regularly developing.
JACUZZI WITHOUT CHLORINE: Citrus extract is extensively used in South America as an anti-algae, bactericide and anti-fungus, to replace chlorine in baths and swimming pools. Even if the clarity of the water cannot be attained by Agrisept-L as with chlorine, the beneficial effects and also the curative nature of this vegetal extract on the human organism compared with the unknown long term effects of absorption of chlorine, favor in these cases the use of Agrisept-L as an algaecide.
THE RINSING OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES: To extend salubrity and quality of your fruit and vegetables, rinse those with Agrisept. Its efficiency as a bactericide and anti-fungus will kill what is devouring and rotting as well as contaminating your dinners. Different commercial tests of Agrisept-L using concentration as low as 30 -50 PPM improve the transportation life as much as 300-400%. It is a godsend for the producer and the merchant as well as the customer. In domestic use it is recommended to add 7 to 8 drops of Agrisept-L to a gallon of water.
Agrisept-L REPLACES CHLORINE IN THE TREATMENT OF WATER: When the Municipal County and State officials are looking for more efficient methods to treat waste water, Agrisept-L showed to be the best avenue. Our old poisonous friend chlorine is bound to disappear, if we rely on experiments realized by two independent companies working in the environmental control of pollution and waste water treatment. John R. Carson microbiologist at Schmidt and Associate, gives the following details, During the past months I have tested the possible usage of Agrisept-L as a disinfectant agent while treating domestic water. We prepared concentrated solutions as per the known dosage. We added different portions of these solutions to portions of 100ml. of domestic waste water, letting them react, while agitating during 15 min. Then we counted the fecal coliforms using the membrane filter technique. Results suggested that Agrisept-L may be efficiently used to disinfect the domestic waste water. In a solution of 3.5 x 10 we regularly obtained a count of less than 1:100ml of fecal coliforms in a 2.5 x 10 solution we obtained a count of less than 200:100ml. which is generally accepted as a satisfactory degree of secondary disinfection of domestic waste water.
In a similar report supplied by Armadillo Environmental Service, it is written that the waste water asking for a degree of fecal coliforms disinfection less than 1, we must use a solution of 0.35mi:L such a solution means that 2.9lbs of Agrisept-L are sufficient to treat 1 million gallons of waste water leaving a residual of fecal coliforms less than 1.100ml. When the Environmental Control Agency considers that less than 200:100ml is generally accepted, add to this efficiency the rapid degradation and the absence of toxicity and here we are with a secure disinfectant for the environment which will permit our Mother Earth to feed us for a longer period of time.
MANIPULATION AND CITRUS EXTRACT: Thorough studies on Agrisept-L were conducted in accordance with the techniques specified in the rules of the Federal Law on dangerous substances, (federal legislation code title 16 chapter 11 1976). Based on the results Agrisept-L is nontoxic if ingested. It is not a primary irritant of the skin neither a corrosive. However as is the case for all bacteria, fungus, or protozoa destructor natural or of synthesis, some care must be exercised when using and manipulating the product. Always use Agrisept-L as indicated. Avoid all contact with the eyes. If it enters in contact with the eyes rinse immediately with water for 10 min. and see a doctor. Do not take pure Agrisept. Always dilute it with at least 5oz of water or liquid. Then if the pure product comes into contact with the skin (except for cysts and warts), rinse the area very well with water as for all medication, be sure to keep out of the reach of children.
AN END TO SORE THROATS Agrisept-L KILLS STREPTOCOCCUS: A simple remedy to a problem generally evaded instead of being cured. Gargle with Agrisept-L and water and it will kill the more resistant streptococcus. Agrisept-L against streptococcus aecalis is only 1:80000 in vitro in vivo. Doctors recommend to gargle with 2 to 3 drops in a glass of water. This gives you a powerful and efficient dilution of 300-500 ppm.
DRINKING WATER TREATMENT: Ten drops of Agrisept-L for each gallon of clear water. Agitate or mix vigorously and let it rest for a few minutes.
POISON IVY, DERMATOSE, WARTS: Many forms of dermatitis, poison ivy, poisonous sumac, cysts and other forms of cutaneous infections are efficiently treated with Agrisept. The anti-virus, anti-fungus, anti-bacterial effects of this product seem to help the cure of most cutaneous atypic disorders by topical application of Agrisept, we have results of cysts dissolved in a few treatments. Two to three drops can be applied with the finger tips on the affected area, moisten with water and let it rest for a few minutes and rinse abundantly with cold water. For the cysts and warts, stronger applications are necessary, Doctors recommend applying according to the case one drop and cover with a bandage after absorption of Agrisept.
CANDIDA ALBICANS VAGINITIS. (YEAST INFECTION): This fungus, so well spread and affecting so many people, is an embarrassing and unpleasant problem for women of all ages. Agrisept-L is an efficient remedy against this problem. A study made by an independent university, Nuevo Leon of eray, Mexico, showed Agrisept-L as a proven treatment for Candida. Twenty patients showered with Agrisept-L every 12 hours for 3 days. These women were between 24 and 44 years of age and were sexually active and using birth control. They had been patients for a period of 1.5 months to 8 years. According to Dr. Louis E. Todd, M.D., among the 20 treated patients, 15 were cured after the first treatment; 4 repeated the treatment before being declared clinically negative. One patient received a third treatment, this time using Agrisept-L locally before a negative report was received. According to the Doctors involved this substance has shown no toxic effects for the patients.