So how important is it turn turn duck eggs in the last 5 days? My son has his Brinsea mini adv at school with all 7 eggs still growing well and set to hatch Wed May 18th. We'd never hatched duck eggs before and so they set the eggs Wed morning so I wouldn't have to worry about stragglers still hatching afterschool on Friday. Well, since we set those eggs at school my eggs at home have been hatching on day 26 & 27 with only a couple stragglers hatching on day 28. The plan had been for my son to do Lockdown first thing on Monday the 16th but now I'm worried about the turner because Monday is day 26 so they could already be hatching!! Now I would feel better if he did lockdown on Friday and removed the turner then but I'm wondering if stopping turning those extra 2 days early is ok? Having them pip early at home is no big deal since I hand turn but his turner the floor moves in circle every 45mins and I'm afraid of the floor moving if they're pipping or if they actually get out early with the floor and other eggs moving every 45mins since it'll be the weekend with no one to see the pipped eggs. Any opinions or thoughts would be very appreciated! Maybe it's just my home incubator getting them to pip early so maybe I'm worrying about nothing
Western Canada Poultry Swap