Western Canada Poultry Swap
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Western Canada Poultry Swap

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1Remembering Empty Remembering Sun Nov 11, 2012 9:07 pm



The End of the War

The tiny child comes meandering down,
Tearstained cheeks and wearing a frown.
Hunger eating her insides out,
Looking for mama - nowhere about.

Mama screaming- drowning in tears;
Can’t find her child or quell her fears.
Gunfire slashing the air like a blade,
Gashing her heart now torn and frayed.

Agony, pain, fear and shame…
War has victims we never shall name.
Terror shakes families. It just isn’t right.
All for greed, power and might.

What of the peace and brotherhood of man?
What of the harmony, walking hand in hand?
What of the world living as one?
What of the god who sent us his son?

What of the child crying in vain?
What of the sins and the sickness we feign?
When is it over? When will it end?
When the fields of poppies grow over again?

When will peace come? When can we hear
the silence of stillness, the calm that’s so near?
When will the voices of this sad world unite?
When you and I begin an end to this plight.

One hand less to pull the pin on the bomb,
One hand more to fill the world with song,
One hand less to search for a child in vain,
One hand more to end lives, end pain.

It begins with you. It begins with me!
Don’t wait for him, don’t wait, you’ll see!
Put an end to war, put an end to power.
In a moment of silence, commit this hour.

Embark on the end. Make this minute count.
A grain of sand begins every mount.
Climb the spires and never give in.
Close your eyes now….. Now let us begin.

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