I have goats and chickens...and on 4 occasions my goat kids have broken into my hen house, helped themselves to laying pellets, gotten into my lay boxes and broken all the eggs. We THINK we have managed to fence them out now. Oh who am I kidding!!!! No place is safe from a determined goat! The old saying "if your fence will hold water it might hold a goat" is as true as true can be. I have page wire with 3 strands of electrobraid. They are smart enough to know which strand is the ground wire, if the fence is on and how to avoid getting shocked. So far they are fairly respectful of the electric. I feed goat tex feed that is specially formulated with the proper vitamins and minerals for the goats. They need copper which most feeds do not have. They browse the fields and also have access to local grass hay that I also feed my horses. A word of caution....Bucks/wethers will get urinary stones from eating alfalfa, this is usually a fatal condition. I do not have alfalfa on my farm as neither my horses nor my goats need it. That being said, although I do have Nubian/Boer crosses they are not milk goats they are meat goats so dietary needs will be somewhat different. Love my goats and my chickens, there is no better entertainment on earth than to watch the antics they get up to. And since the goats broke into the hen house and disrupted the chickens' sanctity, two of my hens have taken to laying in the goat's hay rack....gotta love it. S