Oldest Daughter has a huge red Kitchenaid one, a medium one and a small one, the red ones. I have a medium one, red one. They are absolutely fabulous. Canadian Tire some time ago, at 60% off the regular price. Makes for an inexpensive cast iron, and looks very pretty too. Been very impressed with how it works. Thinking about it, haven't tried it, but me thinks that I could use the cast iron in my little stove in our home. It is propane, like the burners on top, but it has a little flame tube that runs down the middle. I have only really tried to cook a pizza in our oven and was so turned off cause the pizza had a burn strip all the way across half of it from the tube of flames, grrrr. Kind of finished me off with using the oven, I just haven't given it a chance. But cast iron is soooo heavy, maybe gonna give that a whirl. Canadian Tire just finished off another great sale of the cast iron pots, guess that sale isn't still on, cause I told you about it Farmchiq. Hope you can find what you are looking for, duck would be wonderful cooked in cast....have an awesome day, CynthiaM.