And how she made a dream come true, not specially for me, but one of my EE gals "Dumplin" or rather soon to be 'Mama Dumpling'.
Dumplin was determined to have babies. She brooded over eggs that were not fertile for 3 months long and right thru the major high heat we had.
She would not be deterred by my tampering, including moving her from one house to another and letting a rooster in with her. She promptly put him in his place and kicked him out!
So in the end I decided to find some fertile eggs for her and set out to do a search. I found Coopslave on this site.
Told her of the problem and she agreed to save some eggs.
She was honest and said she didn't know if they were fertile, cause her rooster were also taken away from the hens. That's one special lady!
Heck at this point I was desperate to try anything. Dumpling was not about to give up and I was worried about her setting so long. I figured if I could get at least 1 baby for her, maybe if real lucky, two.
I got the eggs (1 1/2 doz) brought them home and let them set over night.
I gave Dumplin 5 and she was thrilled to have more eggs. I had only let her have two but would never hatch.
The rest went into the incubator.
I figured I could swap out any that were not fertile with Dumplin.
The big surprise!
Candled @ day 7 and only one was not fertile.
Now if my counting is right that means...17 babies??? whoa.
But I figured anything can still happen and something can go wrong.....
Re candled 10 days later and oh boy much to my amazement, all babies are doing the boogie in there.
We, Dumplin and the bator, are now on locked down.
Dumplin has made a few quick outings today, so she knows something is happening and not leaving those precious eggs for but a few mins..
The very min she goes out, she hollers for me to bring her treats. Hey, what can I say she has me well trained.
I have made sure she gets the best to keep her going.
So what will happen within the next 3 days?
Could this be a very Happy Thanksgiving?
Will up date when things start happening.
Dumplin was determined to have babies. She brooded over eggs that were not fertile for 3 months long and right thru the major high heat we had.
She would not be deterred by my tampering, including moving her from one house to another and letting a rooster in with her. She promptly put him in his place and kicked him out!
So in the end I decided to find some fertile eggs for her and set out to do a search. I found Coopslave on this site.
Told her of the problem and she agreed to save some eggs.
She was honest and said she didn't know if they were fertile, cause her rooster were also taken away from the hens. That's one special lady!
Heck at this point I was desperate to try anything. Dumpling was not about to give up and I was worried about her setting so long. I figured if I could get at least 1 baby for her, maybe if real lucky, two.
I got the eggs (1 1/2 doz) brought them home and let them set over night.
I gave Dumplin 5 and she was thrilled to have more eggs. I had only let her have two but would never hatch.
The rest went into the incubator.
I figured I could swap out any that were not fertile with Dumplin.
The big surprise!
Candled @ day 7 and only one was not fertile.
Now if my counting is right that means...17 babies??? whoa.
But I figured anything can still happen and something can go wrong.....
Re candled 10 days later and oh boy much to my amazement, all babies are doing the boogie in there.
We, Dumplin and the bator, are now on locked down.
Dumplin has made a few quick outings today, so she knows something is happening and not leaving those precious eggs for but a few mins..
The very min she goes out, she hollers for me to bring her treats. Hey, what can I say she has me well trained.
I have made sure she gets the best to keep her going.
So what will happen within the next 3 days?
Could this be a very Happy Thanksgiving?
Will up date when things start happening.