CynthiaM wrote:Oh that is for surely eye candy, what a love mix of colours and patterns there. Almost makes ya wanna breed black to buffs, smiling. I can't go there, I only have buffs. But really, I do like those pretty colours and how the birds look, nice to see, and there is nothing wrong with anything like that in my eyes. New colours like what you got going on there look fantastic!! Have a beautiful day, CynthiaM.
Fo me it truly is eye candy as well. More or less I am breeding my Purebred Black and Splash Orp roosters over my older soon to be retired to the No boys allowed section here 3yr old Purebreed Buff to see what would come of mixing the the colours.
For us it all started out as a mistake when our Blue Orpington Rooster got into our Buff pen, we never knew at first, as he was smart enough to go back to his pen when before we came around.
So we hatched out a bunch of eggs and to our surprise out came some beautiful boys and a few gals that were wonderful looking Bluffs.
Once I realized what had happened I wasn't mad, I was interested. But I didn't really need them at the time so we sold a few of the Bluff Boys to Ty's Exotics, he was happy to give them a new home.
The rest went to auctions.
When I think about it, I feel like I am doing something wrong, but then I also think well not really, I keep my blacks and Blues and splash lines true to their colour, I am not really cross breeding more as I am cross colouring, or colouring outside the lines a bit, with no harm to my Original focused lines.
This past breeding after I focused on my Black and Blue Lines, I decided to mix them up for the last hatch of the year. Most of the chicks are from the Splash roo over the buff hens but there are a few of Luke's Offspring in there as well.
This is merely eye candy, In my opinion they are very nice to look at they have some interesting and pretty markings / coloration but why hold them back for myself.
I'm not here to push the Blaffs and Bluffs, Just offering them to anyone who might be interested in them