My sister and I were tickled to discover some info today on Grandmother's heritage chicken breeds. My sister was reading a little notebook in which our grandmother had kept financial records. On one page, if you flip the book upside down, you can read:
set black orphington hen May 21
set bramah eggs June 7 (I assume that would be brahma)
set turkey eggs under hen July 23
On another page she had kept a record of eggs sales from 1919. She sold eggs from 30 cents/doz to 35 cents/doz that year. Those seems like pretty good prices for 1919!
I questioned my Dad (who is 92) on what breeds he can remember his mother keeping and came up with the following list.
rhode island reds
barred rock
black orpington
silver spanged hamburg
white wyandotte
black Jersey Giant
I just thought it was so interesting to come up with this personal family record of heritage breeds. My sister and I have just started raising a few heritage breeds since three years ago since I had moved back to the family homestead to take care of my parents but I had never known what breeds Grandmother had kept apart from the very common Rhode Island Reds and barred rocks. It was so neat to make that personal connection
set black orphington hen May 21
set bramah eggs June 7 (I assume that would be brahma)
set turkey eggs under hen July 23
On another page she had kept a record of eggs sales from 1919. She sold eggs from 30 cents/doz to 35 cents/doz that year. Those seems like pretty good prices for 1919!
I questioned my Dad (who is 92) on what breeds he can remember his mother keeping and came up with the following list.
rhode island reds
barred rock
black orpington
silver spanged hamburg
white wyandotte
black Jersey Giant
I just thought it was so interesting to come up with this personal family record of heritage breeds. My sister and I have just started raising a few heritage breeds since three years ago since I had moved back to the family homestead to take care of my parents but I had never known what breeds Grandmother had kept apart from the very common Rhode Island Reds and barred rocks. It was so neat to make that personal connection