Turns out we are heading to SE Alberta next week and probably have room for eggs (proabably have coolers) and/or a few pet carriers/cages in the back of the minivan. Heading on the Horseshoe Bay ferry first thing on Thursday morning (August 23rd) and probably going as far as Castlegar/Trail the first night. If it's critters, they have to be out before Thursday evening. My wife isn't too fond of sharing sleeping quarters with barnyard types (I know, weird right?) and I'm not too keen on leaving them out overnight. Then it's on to MH the next day.
Then coming back through to the Island on Sunday/Monday. Not sure how much room we'll have though because we plan to bring back CASES of cheap booze! Should have room for a few things though.
Then coming back through to the Island on Sunday/Monday. Not sure how much room we'll have though because we plan to bring back CASES of cheap booze! Should have room for a few things though.