It is becomming clear that there are differnces in the raising of animals and farming by us on the forum. I consider myself a farmer and can see how farming is a way of life and a whole life circle way of living. I could not survive having to buy everything to feed my animals and grow my food. I feed grain to the chickens and pigs that is unsaleable.Let me refrase that. I could sell my poor quality grain to the feed mills for $1 a bushel, they then grind up the weed seeds and grain add a few things and sell it back to me for $12 a bag which is less then 1/2 a bushel. Which then make me try and sell $30 chickens. Someone asked how do I live and be self suficent. Everthing is use on the farm, you grow your own feed useing poor land for grazing, feeding pigs and chickens on leftovers, make compost that will grow unbelievable gardens. Yes and sell to make money but since cost are so low I can make money sell $2 dozen eggs, and I don't care if you eat them hatch them of feed them to your dog, I made money. Yes as farmers lots of time you lose money big time, if you didn't sell at a loss you would be stuck with more costs. I can remember my grandfather taking 40 250 butcher hog into the bush and shooting them as the last batch he sold he got a bill for selling them. Now there are the business people who set their price and stick to it, good for you if you can do that. How many times have you seen on the news where farmers are dumping milk or eggs,potatoes any farm produce becase it didn't pay to haul it to market? Farming is a gamble controlled by big buisness and they force the farmer to take losses. You will also notice the moment the product is delivered to buisness it increases in price. My chickens cost nothing to raise what they use would just go to waste if they didn't use it. You say what about buildings and fences they cost money. Not if you think like me, I buy at auctions and use things others never think of and they are cheap. I also consider my time working on the farm as a money saver, not a cost to be factored into everything I sell, as I don't have to pay monthly membership to a fitness club, then drink over priced health drinks after driving my deprecating truck burning fuel to work out.
Western Canada Poultry Swap