Good evening everyone....I hope all is well with you and yours . I just have a quick question...merely for the purpose of...shall we and advance preparation? I have been learning so very much over these past few months from all of you wonderful poultry paragons, however, I recently read another posting about the use of Amprol for treating cocci. Now...I currently do not require this drug...thanks to goodness...and hopefully never will (should I be so lucky? lol) but I thought I should ask my fellow Saskatchewanians where on earth I would by such things here on the prairies. I live between Saskatoon and Regina and travel often to both cities so can one buy such things as Amprol and Tetracyline at either one? Or is this something I would have to order online or from a vet? I would absolutely hate to ever have a need for these things immediately and then have to wait to have it shipped out. So maybe I have to order it and always have it on hand? Not sure. Anyway...any thoughts/advice/suggestions are quite appreciated and I value your input! If there are any other medications, vitamins, minerals etc. that I should always have on hand please go ahead and throw some of those ideas my way as well. I love reading all of the new posts on here every day and shall continue to do so. Thanks in advance and everyone have a most fabulous evening!
Western Canada Poultry Swap