I love my india blue boy. He is lovely, he causes no trouble, he fans all the time and calls very little.
A few days ago he started visitng my Chanticler pen. There are 5 girls and a boy in there. The roo is a very stately tall slim guy with shimmery white feathers. What started out as the peacock watching him, turned into the peacock displaying for him. The display turned into the peacock hopping into the chanti pen and slowly following and cooing to the roo. That turned into the roo walking quickly and worriedly around and around the dog house with the lovesick peacock behind him. Eventually the peaciock started to get more agressive about it all. Today I took the roo out of the pen and replaced him with a beefier boy. I placed the tall elegant boy into one of the rabbit pens.
The peacock is now standing outside the rabbit hutch calling and circling and displaying.
My rooster is very worried.....
A few days ago he started visitng my Chanticler pen. There are 5 girls and a boy in there. The roo is a very stately tall slim guy with shimmery white feathers. What started out as the peacock watching him, turned into the peacock displaying for him. The display turned into the peacock hopping into the chanti pen and slowly following and cooing to the roo. That turned into the roo walking quickly and worriedly around and around the dog house with the lovesick peacock behind him. Eventually the peaciock started to get more agressive about it all. Today I took the roo out of the pen and replaced him with a beefier boy. I placed the tall elegant boy into one of the rabbit pens.
The peacock is now standing outside the rabbit hutch calling and circling and displaying.
My rooster is very worried.....