Once my barn is built I am going to carefully approach DH and mention a milk goat...agian. Haha. He is such a whiner when I mention more animals
Ideally I want a well mannered Nubian just because I heard the milk is less "goaty" than other breeds. And I really want to make cheese! My kids are all allergic to store bought cow milk but I know raw cow milk is ok so goat milk would be too. ANyone have a couple for sale that are milking already? Or due to birth soon? WIlling to travel to Prince George area. Thanks
Ideally I want a well mannered Nubian just because I heard the milk is less "goaty" than other breeds. And I really want to make cheese! My kids are all allergic to store bought cow milk but I know raw cow milk is ok so goat milk would be too. ANyone have a couple for sale that are milking already? Or due to birth soon? WIlling to travel to Prince George area. Thanks