Hi Everyone
Now that the POPWA sale is done I believe the next big sale is Ty's sale on May 12th. I really enjoyed seeing what everyone was taking to POPWA, so I thought it would be neat to know what people are taking to Ty's
I will be taking 3 standard Partridge Rock pullets - November 2011 hatched, ready to lay in a month - from my show stock
Approx. 10 to 12 pairs of Coturnix quail. various colours
2 pairs of my show stock Silver Sebrights bantams - about 6-7 weeks old. From very small breeding stock (very, very, very... cute)
Approx. 30 extra coturnix males. great for training your Gun dog, or snake food - $3 each
Between 30 to 50 buttons - various colours.
About 12 dozen button hatching eggs. (if they keep laying)
About 14 -16 dozen Coturnix hatching eggs (if they keep laying)
1 Exchequer Leghorn pullet (about 8 months old).
1 pair of Barn yard bantams (Purebred Black Rosecomb roo (3 months old), pullet is unknown type but very small.
Some standard Silver Pencilled Wyandotte x Partridge Wyandotte Chicks - from 1 week to 4 week old.
Maybes: If I can get my portable brooder box set up and working
25 to 40 baby buttons, 30 t0 40 baby coturnixs.
Maybes: If my second setting of pheasant eggs this weekend are as good as my first last week end (27 of 29 showed fertile at 4 days)
1 dozen mixed Red Golden Pheasants/ Dark Throated Golden Pheasants eggs - 6 of each
1 dozen mixed Red Golden/Dark throated Golden/Yellow Golden eggs - 4 of each
6 t0 8 Melanestic Ringneck eggs - from Orest stock he sold at POPWA sale. Very black roo and very dark hen.
Pheasant eggs will depend on my candling results next Friday. First week - 5 red Golden, 6 Dart throated Golden, 3 Yellow Golden - all fertile. 27 0f 29 from 6 different types were fertile. It is the best results I have ever had on a first week setting of my pheasants. If the 2nd week is as good as the first then I will be able to have the above eggs at the sale.Only slightly more then half of my pheasants have started laying.
May sell the pheasant eggs as a running bid auction at my table.
Maybe: 1 dozen Mexican Speckled Quail eggs and 6 to 12 Tennersee Red Bobwhites eggs . Depends on how they lay before then.
I may add items others to my list before then.
Now that the POPWA sale is done I believe the next big sale is Ty's sale on May 12th. I really enjoyed seeing what everyone was taking to POPWA, so I thought it would be neat to know what people are taking to Ty's
I will be taking 3 standard Partridge Rock pullets - November 2011 hatched, ready to lay in a month - from my show stock
Approx. 10 to 12 pairs of Coturnix quail. various colours
2 pairs of my show stock Silver Sebrights bantams - about 6-7 weeks old. From very small breeding stock (very, very, very... cute)
Approx. 30 extra coturnix males. great for training your Gun dog, or snake food - $3 each
Between 30 to 50 buttons - various colours.
About 12 dozen button hatching eggs. (if they keep laying)
About 14 -16 dozen Coturnix hatching eggs (if they keep laying)
1 Exchequer Leghorn pullet (about 8 months old).
1 pair of Barn yard bantams (Purebred Black Rosecomb roo (3 months old), pullet is unknown type but very small.
Some standard Silver Pencilled Wyandotte x Partridge Wyandotte Chicks - from 1 week to 4 week old.
Maybes: If I can get my portable brooder box set up and working
25 to 40 baby buttons, 30 t0 40 baby coturnixs.
Maybes: If my second setting of pheasant eggs this weekend are as good as my first last week end (27 of 29 showed fertile at 4 days)
1 dozen mixed Red Golden Pheasants/ Dark Throated Golden Pheasants eggs - 6 of each
1 dozen mixed Red Golden/Dark throated Golden/Yellow Golden eggs - 4 of each
6 t0 8 Melanestic Ringneck eggs - from Orest stock he sold at POPWA sale. Very black roo and very dark hen.
Pheasant eggs will depend on my candling results next Friday. First week - 5 red Golden, 6 Dart throated Golden, 3 Yellow Golden - all fertile. 27 0f 29 from 6 different types were fertile. It is the best results I have ever had on a first week setting of my pheasants. If the 2nd week is as good as the first then I will be able to have the above eggs at the sale.Only slightly more then half of my pheasants have started laying.
May sell the pheasant eggs as a running bid auction at my table.
Maybe: 1 dozen Mexican Speckled Quail eggs and 6 to 12 Tennersee Red Bobwhites eggs . Depends on how they lay before then.
I may add items others to my list before then.