This is a bit strange (to me anyway) but I have been asked to procure about 10-12 laying chickens. The family wants chcikens for their granddaughter to enjoy and to supply eggs to the extended family for the summer. They do not want bantams, are interested in standard size fowl. I am not certain they intend to keep them over the winter, they suggested both eating them in the fall (but realized laying hens, even young ones, would not be ideal for meat) or giving them to me to over winter which I still need to speak to them more about (Did I mention this is my new boss at work asking?). I believe the birds would be very well cared for as they train horses and the level of care they provide the animals (horses, dogs) with is exceptional.
Realizing there are details I would need to further investigate, i said I would see first if anyone had laying pullets or point of lay pullets for sale. They would like the birds as soon as possible but I think at the Wetaskawin sale would still be okay if I can't source any close-by before that.
Is anyone selling POL pullets and if yes of what age, breed and for what price? I will check my pms...
Realizing there are details I would need to further investigate, i said I would see first if anyone had laying pullets or point of lay pullets for sale. They would like the birds as soon as possible but I think at the Wetaskawin sale would still be okay if I can't source any close-by before that.
Is anyone selling POL pullets and if yes of what age, breed and for what price? I will check my pms...