Not sure where to post this, but advice is needed, so here it is. We have been renting for just over a year a small piece of land north of Lacombe. Unfortunately, the landlord is turning out to be way more particular than we can handle. There are complaints about every little bike and toy left in the front yard, if the weeds aren't pulled fast enough, if one child crosses into the trees right next to the house, and the list goes on. We have been trying to meet their demands, but today he began to lecture the kids, and telling them if they don't keep things up to standard their parents had better find somewhere else to live. That crossed the line for me. Talk to my husband, talk to me, but don't lay all the responsibility on the children (aged 10, 13, 15, 18). I am tired of paying a lot of money to be treated like a serf (and sorry if this rant is going on too long). What I really want is to ask if anyone who has managed to read this far would be able to send us any leads to a more reasonable landlord on a small acreage that can handle one horse, a bunch of chickens, some cats, and few kids and bikes, and a bonus would be if it had a garden. My husband works in Leduc, so anywhere between Leduc and Red Deer would work, though I prefer staying close to Lacombe as that is where our friends and church are. I so appreciate any leads or help in finding a place. I am feeling just a little stressed right now
Western Canada Poultry Swap