I am so sorry to hear of your struggle with these red devils Chicory.
I can't believe you have red mites that are staying on the host. Weird.
My first experience with the happened after I have been into chooks for a while, but was new to purebreds. On the property we were using old buildings for my coops and they were built out of tin and wood. The wild birds had total access to most areas, which I eventually got a handle on.
I didn't know anything about them and I had a broody doing a great job with chicks. Then the chicks started to die. I was devastated! When I found the third dead chick I had a good look at it and it was covered in red mites. It had been sucked to death. I felt so guilty and naive. I ended up spraying the chick with lice and tick spray and it saved them. I thought I may poison the poor little things.
Then the research began. I found out what they were and I started the whole routine. Powder, sprays, striping and cleaning everything. I was so obsessed that I used to go out at night with a flashlight squish the little bastards on the birds, walls, perches. Gross I know, but I got some satisfaction out of it.
I learned to look for the silvery residue that showed where they were spending their nights. I would stick things in and squish as many as I could and then spray. Eventually I got on top if them, and I learned to live with them a little. I never completely got rid of them I don't think, but I wouldn't see them on the birds at night any more and I only was really vigilant just before I had a broody hatch chicks so I didn't have to go through what I went through when I first found them.
You will feel overwhelmed, but you can do this. Look how many of us have been there before you!! You are not alone, we all go through stuff like this. I think anyone that hasn't been through crawlies of some sort aren't looking for them hard enough. You have chickens, you have crawlies I think. It is all about managing them.
Come and vent any time you need to. We will be supportive, but also tell you when you are being silly!!