I have used them a lot. I have been very happy with Medicine Hat to Brooks, Calgary and Red Deer. But have had issues to Edmonton. The last shipment went to Edmonton without any issues, but the two before had issues of cold warehouses and chicks put in them...
I have even shipped to Castlegar BC with them, only lost 2 chicks in the 25 chick order, still overnight delivery there too from here.
Prices are pretty good, around $35 to anywhere direct they deliver. I have always had people pick up directly at the depots though, havent done the local deliveries from the depot (for example St. Albert from Edmonton) just takes too long into the next day to get them delivered, I prefer they are picked up ASAP in the mornings, so just a pointer if you do use them.
The fellow in Medicine Hat is very great to work with, small town personal feel, not sure what the depots are like anywhere else?