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Sheep Babies soon???

Hidden River
7 posters

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1Sheep Babies soon??? Empty Sheep Babies soon??? Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:04 pm

Hidden River

Hidden River
Golden Member
Golden Member

We have a very pregnant ewe here right now, they are bred to lamb in March, thinking I had an overzeleous ram lamb last fall...
Anyways she is bagging up, is very wide (wider than she is tall I think) and her back side looks ready. We have of course lost our nice weather and are in for some cold Burr , was -36 with the windchill last night, so glad she didnt go then.
We have a nice little stall set up for her but she is not too happy to be locked in there at night.
I will post pictures when our blessed event happens. Hoping for during the day, as our days are pretty nice, but our nights are going to be terrible.


2Sheep Babies soon??? Empty Re: Sheep Babies soon??? Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:50 pm


Golden Member
Golden Member

Sure hope she picks a good time, not something you would like to plan on this time of year for sure, I still wonder how PB cattle places do it?
I guess they have good facilities but still...so expensive to feed an animal in late trimester and then even more for lactation not to mention all the extra labor and worry...
I want to start incubating eggs but same thing, so much more money/time invested and possible loss if you are brooding when it is cold out.
My little Sebright mama is laying again though so hoping she will want to hatch out another show winner for us this year!


3Sheep Babies soon??? Empty Re: Sheep Babies soon??? Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:09 pm


Active Member
Active Member

We haev 9 baby goats in the barn because we had a buck who could jump a six food fence then jump a 5 foot fence and get to the girls so we got rid of him but he left us some gifts.

4Sheep Babies soon??? Empty Re: Sheep Babies soon??? Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:25 pm

Hidden River

Hidden River
Golden Member
Golden Member

JaerhonChanteclerEuskies wrote:We haev 9 baby goats in the barn because we had a buck who could jump a six food fence then jump a 5 foot fence and get to the girls so we got rid of him but he left us some gifts.
Don't you love those kinds of gifts? Sheep Running


5Sheep Babies soon??? Empty Re: Sheep Babies soon??? Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:24 pm

Hidden River

Hidden River
Golden Member
Golden Member

Well the babies have arrived!!! Triplets, this girls give me triplets all the time, good girl. Got 2 girls and 1 boy, 2 chocolate (1 girl 1 boy) and one white. The little white one is tiny, much more than her siblings, she was very cold when we found her (Of course she waited till a day we HAD to be away to have them). But was only out for about 1/2 hr I would say since momma hadnt cleaned yet when we got home to check. She is under the heat lamp and warming up now, hoping she will get her strength up to drink soon. The other two are doing well and have had their drinks and are content.
Out to check on them again, hopefully pictures Monday.


6Sheep Babies soon??? Empty Re: Sheep Babies soon??? Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:27 pm


Golden Member
Golden Member

Congratulations Hidden! Look forward to the pictures.

7Sheep Babies soon??? Empty Re: Sheep Babies soon??? Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:47 am

Hidden River

Hidden River
Golden Member
Golden Member

Thanks Chicory, there is a full blizzard here right now so no pictures. Took me all morning to get the birds comfortable and taking care of these little ones.
Angela (the smallest) is living in the house right now, she is a good 2 lbs smaller than her brother and sister (weighed in at 4 lbs) so weak and we will be making her a bottle baby anyways, so in the house where she can strengthen up and stay warm.
The other two are doing well, no confirmed names yet since my oldest is not home yet, but they are warm and snug with their heat lamp and mom is doing a good job feeding them.
Pictures as soon as the blizzarding stops.


8Sheep Babies soon??? Empty Re: Sheep Babies soon??? Sun Jan 15, 2012 11:37 am


Golden Member
Golden Member

Life on the farm......babies born in the middle of winter and raising them in the house. I love it! Sounds so Canadian! What kind of sheep are they and what do you raise them for?

9Sheep Babies soon??? Empty Re: Sheep Babies soon??? Sun Jan 15, 2012 11:58 am

Hidden River

Hidden River
Golden Member
Golden Member

These are Katahdin Sheep, we raise them as breeding stock and as meat sheep. We havent yet eaten any, although our cousins that buy them from us say it is the best sheep they have ever had. Smile
We will be trying one for ourselves this year to see, hard to sell meat when you have never eaten it yourself.
This breed of sheep comes in many colors and patterns, they are hair sheep so no need to shear them, which makes it nice for small flock owners because to get someone out to shear anything less than 100 sheep around here is next to impossible. They are a mid sized sheep so easy to handle, I find them to be very friendly for the most part making working with them a pleasure. They are great moms, many of mine have no issues raising triplets, but we are going to take this littlest one off this time and raise her ourselves, we find it is hard for them to compete when they are small off the start and fighting with 2 larger ones for milk. Mom is her 3rd time so she is a pro.


10Sheep Babies soon??? Empty Re: Sheep Babies soon??? Sun Jan 15, 2012 12:14 pm


Golden Member
Golden Member

Wonderful news on the arrival of triplets. We are having a blizzard here too - isn't that always how it goes with pregnant livestock? They wait till a full-blown storm to have the babies.
The bottle feeding will be a full time job, but I'm sure your girls will be happy to take their turns at feeding.
Hope it all goes well for you!


11Sheep Babies soon??? Empty Re: Sheep Babies soon??? Sun Jan 15, 2012 12:27 pm

Prairie Chick

Prairie Chick
Golden Member
Golden Member

Congrats on the triplets Jayme, babies are just so darn cute. I hope the little lamb makes it.

12Sheep Babies soon??? Empty Re: Sheep Babies soon??? Sun Jan 15, 2012 4:58 pm


Addicted Member
Addicted Member

I am sure the girls will love having a lamb to bottle feed! I know I always loved looking after the bottle fed lambs when we had sheep.

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