I knew that the humidity was low. It was at 47%. Filling every tray in it only put it up to that 47%. I tried all day Sunday different things to get it up. Well, I couldnt, so yesterday I was heading into town to pick some sponges to try that, well, my bro called and I had to run to the hospital to pick up my nieces and neiphews cause they were having their baby. So I had them til this morning, so I ran in to get them this morning and came home and they were hacthing. It is only four that pipped. The others havent yet. I do have the humidity up to 71% now. It took three big sponges to get it up to that. I am hoping only these first four will have issues. I hope the others are going to be ok when they start to hatch if they arent dead yet, I havent had the guts to check.