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horse in freezing swamp

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26horse in freezing swamp - Page 2 Empty Re: horse in freezing swamp Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:32 pm


Golden Member
Golden Member

Showsheen, basicly the same as armour all, but made for horses. Mucho cheaper too.

Or a good pair of scissors.

27horse in freezing swamp - Page 2 Empty Re: horse in freezing swamp Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:07 pm


Full Time Member
Full Time Member

Stabled horse? That might be part of behavior issue. I have learned much about horses since having my own as an adult ( when I was a teen I got on and rode, and learned as I went). This time round I am doing a lot of self educating about the phsyc of horses and how they respond in general. They are flight animals by instinct and will always yeild to the easiest route. Too much intense pressure from a person, without yields at the appropriate times can cause the horse to look for escape routes elsewhere. This is what horse was telling you when she nosed into corner. Not that she is being a brat, but that she is feeling too much pressure from human and needs to get away. I would go back to the idea of "joining-up" (can be researched on google). This is a legit horse communication style that works and the idea can be applied to any horse at any stage of training. It is used to confirm that human is leader and horse is follower, and that it is more comfortable to be with human and respecting human in horse ways, and less comfortable to move away from human, and be disrespectful. Always remember that a horse learns on the yeild, not the pressure. For example, when teaching to lead,pull on halter until he moves even 1 inch ahead, as soon as he does, release pressure, this shows him it is easier to go with, than go against. This is how horses think with everything. Increase and release pressure. Intense pressure all the time in a difficult situation will go nowhere. Also, any reaction to bad behavior needs to be administered within 5 seconds, any longer and the horse doesn't relate consequence to the action.

Also, for stabled horses, outside pasture time is a sorely missed thing. In nature horses would spend 10 hours grazing per day. This horse doesn't want to go back in the barn either, she wants to be outside. There might be no solution for more pasture time at this point, but keep it in mind as another possible cause for bad behavior.
Hope you have a better day with this horse tomorrow.

28horse in freezing swamp - Page 2 Empty Re: horse in freezing swamp Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:30 am


Addicted Member
Addicted Member

I guess my question would be why was she acting like that today? I would be looking for a reason as to why something she has done several times before was difficult for her today? I guess the fact she jumped a 4 foot fence would mean she is not painfull in anyway but you never know!


29horse in freezing swamp - Page 2 Empty Re: horse in freezing swamp Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:19 pm


Golden Member
Golden Member

I am posting this because Horsey Teen is thinking that we all suspect her of abusing her horses. I will say right now, for the record that she is a swine and abuses her bedroom and is going to be thrown in the street, homeless, if she does not CLEAN IT UP! BUt I digress.

This is the psycho fence jumping horse (note burrs). PLease note the huge twisted wire bit holding her back. Note the flinch and rolled eyes at sight of whip dangling in her face. Cocked hip is readiness to flee at a moments notice. Rider clinging on with death grip, braced for fear based panic reaction. (this was dictated by Horsey Teen who wants all to know she does not harm her horses and feels she has a vague grasp on her own brand of horsemanship. SHe broke this horse.)

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This pic turned out too small too notice that lunge whip is above her head and dropped down infront of her face. And the bridle is not on her, but on the teen's knee. And you know from this distance, the burrs are hardly noticeable!

30horse in freezing swamp - Page 2 Empty Re: horse in freezing swamp Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:03 pm


Addicted Member
Addicted Member

I'm with Lily on this one. I'd rather be eating than jumping. Clearly, from the picture, she's abused and underfed. She was probably considering eating the fence when she went in the corner and turned her ass to teen.
We all just misinterpreted it, because we have no clue what's going on in that orange sized brain of theirs.

31horse in freezing swamp - Page 2 Empty Re: horse in freezing swamp Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:13 pm


Golden Member
Golden Member

Is it really only orange sized? Explains a lot.

32horse in freezing swamp - Page 2 Empty Re: horse in freezing swamp Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:15 pm


Golden Member
Golden Member

Uno, I still agree with horsey teen. Very Happy

Yes, orange sized and some riper than others. Laughing

33horse in freezing swamp - Page 2 Empty Re: horse in freezing swamp Fri Nov 11, 2011 5:52 am


Golden Member
Golden Member

Arcticsun wrote:You can lead a hourse to water, but you cant make them get out if they dont want to.

How about;

You can lead a horse from water, but you can't make them think.

34horse in freezing swamp - Page 2 Empty Re: horse in freezing swamp Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:10 am


Golden Member
Golden Member

ooooo way better!!!!!

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