After being gone for two months helping my dad after his back surgery I come home begning of October to, well, lets just say, I wanted to seriously injure my mother in law. She lives 8 ft away and just has to feed my birds a few times a week and I had everything in the back of an suv, 5 ft from their pen, with bags of food and everything done. Just empty one bag every few days into their feeders. Well, I am shy over a dozen birds. Dead. The rest were in very poor condition. My poor baby's. Right away I set out and got everything cleaned up and now, after a month, my birds are back in great condition. Most my hens are now laying, my roos I got sorted, and everything is taking off again. Now, the next two weeks, I will be on the road more then half of both weeks. Trip from here to Edmonton this coming week. Then from here to Brocett, from there to Tatyaloko Lake BC, then home the next week. I really dont want to go, I fear for my birds. But, I cant wait to get my new calf either. So, pending any more events, I am finally back around, all be it a few minutes here and there at a time until the end of November. Hope everyone else had a good few months.
Western Canada Poultry Swap