Oh my gosh!!!! I was so scared and was NOT sure if she was egg bound. She just didnt look right, she was looking like she was straining to poop so i quickly checked her vent and there was clear looking fluid and a small bit of a sack showing. This is kinda where i went oh shit what is it??? I have just gotten into chickens this spring and by no mean am i a pro at this!!!! I did how ever buy alot of books and did all my research before i got them but sometimes you have to experience it to no how to handle it.. Me i panic grab the chicken run to the house and fill the sink with warm water and plunk her in it and just stand there.... Now what!!! Wanting to leave her and find a book to look at what to do next but couldn't, I just started to clean her feathers down there and before i new it she gave a push and out came a egg without a shell.. Man was i happy to see that come out and all in one piece. Not to mention she didnt want to get out of the water. Its been so windy and cold here the last few days that i think she liked the warmth. So now is this something that she will always have trouble with?
Western Canada Poultry Swap