Pretty stoked and excited about this, it will be a time to reacquaint with others met and new friends to meet. I am still sitting on the fence about what I am going to bring. I do have a nice black cochin and blue cochin hen, I think I would love to bring them. I am still so uncertain about bathing though, I know you should, but absolutely not sure how I am going to wing this again. I need to study more on how to bath these big furry birds and get them dried nicely, smiling that big smile. I have my big buckeye rooster left, he just turned one on the first of October, so he will go in the cock bird class, and perhaps a couple of buff orpington pullets too, and a cockerel, some to me look very promising and they will be about 21 weeks old by then (Heather is that too young to bring a pullet or two and that cockerel? I really need to know this answer).
I really can't wait to hear the judge comments on my birds, it is just so nice to know what others think of our birds that we think ourselves that are just the cream of the stock, smiling again. Kidding. We are all learning and when we hear others' comments, it is nothing short of something wonderful.
So, all in all, I think I will be bringing 6 birds. Can't wait.
I still think that we all need to put our thinking caps on and figure out a way that we can let people know who we are. Name badges, well, I don't think so, but I think maybe a secret wink to people we think might be a member of our forum, smiling again, or perhaps a red ribbon in our hair, or a purple dot on our chin, hey, what about wearing a specific colour of clothing? Surely we must all have something in common that we could wear that is the same colour? A scarf?
If anyone is interested in this, so we don't be too shy to actually go to someone that turns out to think we are crazy in introducing ourselves, make a thread and let's get some recognition going on. I know that I am extremely shy person in many ways. And at other poultry shows I was just plain and simply too shy to try to introduce myself to someone that wasn't someone that I wanted to meet. And I would love to meet every last one of my forum friends that comes to the poultry show. Put on the thinking cap!! And...have a most beautiful day, CynthiaM.