Two unrelated thoughtas are bouncing around in my head and I just can't keep the lid on anymore. Let me state clearly I am not making a comment on where I stand on this issue. In fact, I might not even know where I stand. But I am tossing it out as something to think about. I know many people will claim that the two are not even related, apples and oranges. Maybe. Maybe not?
Someone posted recently that they got creeped out selling birds online since it seemed people might be buying them for the cockfighting ring.
Then we have another long thread debating breeding methods to attain the Standard of Perfection in a chicken and this discussion cannot happen without the very real mention of heavy culling which in Chicken Speak often means killing vast numbers of birds because they don't look right.
I'm trying to decide which I find more offensive. People setting roosters against each other to do what roosters do naturally anyway? Yes, they will die. Usually pretty quickly from blood loss. OR People hatching birds then culling them because they do not meet some established measure of beauty/size/whatever. The culled birds will die, usually pretty quickly, from blood loss.
SO if we consider the pursuit of PERFECT birds to be okay, then killing them in the name of OUR sport (SOP) is just fine. But we are going to plug our noses and turn away from those 'other' people who kill chickens in a sport that we do not approve of?
Are we hypocrites? Are we failing to think clearly and deeply about the ethics involved in either pursuit? It's okay for us to kill ugly chickens for no reason other than ugliness, but NOT okay to let them kill each other?
I urge you, BEFORE you start hammering out your answer at warp speed (which just leads to spelling errors) to ponder this dichotomy for a moment. This split in our personality and the arbitrary nature of some of the ideas we hold. I am very interested to see what other people think/feel about this.
Someone posted recently that they got creeped out selling birds online since it seemed people might be buying them for the cockfighting ring.
Then we have another long thread debating breeding methods to attain the Standard of Perfection in a chicken and this discussion cannot happen without the very real mention of heavy culling which in Chicken Speak often means killing vast numbers of birds because they don't look right.
I'm trying to decide which I find more offensive. People setting roosters against each other to do what roosters do naturally anyway? Yes, they will die. Usually pretty quickly from blood loss. OR People hatching birds then culling them because they do not meet some established measure of beauty/size/whatever. The culled birds will die, usually pretty quickly, from blood loss.
SO if we consider the pursuit of PERFECT birds to be okay, then killing them in the name of OUR sport (SOP) is just fine. But we are going to plug our noses and turn away from those 'other' people who kill chickens in a sport that we do not approve of?
Are we hypocrites? Are we failing to think clearly and deeply about the ethics involved in either pursuit? It's okay for us to kill ugly chickens for no reason other than ugliness, but NOT okay to let them kill each other?
I urge you, BEFORE you start hammering out your answer at warp speed (which just leads to spelling errors) to ponder this dichotomy for a moment. This split in our personality and the arbitrary nature of some of the ideas we hold. I am very interested to see what other people think/feel about this.