Last night my washing machine broke down, so today I left my oldest to babysit while I took the second oldest with me to help with laundry at the laundramat. I had just finished my laundry and stopped at the bank, when coming out of the bank I am met by my oldest son, which really scared and confused me as he was to be babysitting, then I see my husband who was supposed to be working. All he said to me was hurry up and get in the van we're in a hurry. I got in my van and we took off, then he said to my oldest "Don't you think you should tell mom why we are here?" By this time I am totally lost and worried. My oldest proceeds to explain that he spilt a pot of boiling water on my third son and that we were on our way to emerg as my sister-in-laws fiance had him there. We get there to find he has first and second degree burns
Western Canada Poultry Swap