I wormed my chickens yesterday with Piperazine.
Is it possible to Over dose on the worming meds?
I may have put too much in.... Will that make them sick?
What is the correct dose (tsp or tbsp / gallon)?
Also, I would like to worm them for Gape worm with the Oral Horse paste, can I do that today, even though I did piperazine yesterday? Or will the both the wormers at the same time be too much for the chickens to handle. I just thought, that since I was going to do egg withdrawal, I might as well do both at the same time.
Is it possible to Over dose on the worming meds?
I may have put too much in.... Will that make them sick?
What is the correct dose (tsp or tbsp / gallon)?
Also, I would like to worm them for Gape worm with the Oral Horse paste, can I do that today, even though I did piperazine yesterday? Or will the both the wormers at the same time be too much for the chickens to handle. I just thought, that since I was going to do egg withdrawal, I might as well do both at the same time.