I recently had a very disturbing conversation about the amount of work farm kids "have to endure". I was told that as farm parents we are I fact just as bad as those people who run child factories. In my opinion, this is not true! Yes, most farm kids work harder then most kids living in the city. Yes most farm kids can have a lot of responsibilities that they must take care of. Yes most farm kids start working with large equipment quite young.
But, in return these same kids develope a sense of self pride, self confidence, and self worth! They develope a work ethic that makes employers happy to have them, and they become the desired employees. They also become responsible young adults who respect the value of a dollar and know where that dollar comes from and what it took to earn it. It is a way of life that to me is slowly diminishing because too many people have decided that children need to be pampered and not given chores.
Please do not get me wrong, I am not painting all kids raised in the city to be lazy, and not much use as I know this is. Not true! I am merely stating the way I see my side of the conversation, and what a lot of the employers we have dealt with have told us.
But, in return these same kids develope a sense of self pride, self confidence, and self worth! They develope a work ethic that makes employers happy to have them, and they become the desired employees. They also become responsible young adults who respect the value of a dollar and know where that dollar comes from and what it took to earn it. It is a way of life that to me is slowly diminishing because too many people have decided that children need to be pampered and not given chores.
Please do not get me wrong, I am not painting all kids raised in the city to be lazy, and not much use as I know this is. Not true! I am merely stating the way I see my side of the conversation, and what a lot of the employers we have dealt with have told us.