Thanks appway. I'm positive she's bred. I bought another doeling with her who I don't think took, she was exposed to the same spanish buck. I say 'any time' because my books on goats say 5 months give or take 2 weeks on either side.
The 'pooch test' thing, she looks -way- different from the other doe, puffy and large, vulva seems pointed downwards. I'll see if I can get a picture of her back end. Her width has increased greatly since her arrival where the others have stayed stable, so she is gaining. She has been bagging up as of late. You never used to be able to see her teets if she was standing in front of you with her back to you, but you can now. I try to touch her bag every day (she haaaates it) to see how she's progressing as well as to get her used to being touched, as I'd like to milk her if she produces enough for her kid(s). I've been able to notice changes over a few days time when it comes to how her udder feels.
I'll also post Gretel, because I'm confused as to whether or not she's pregnant. If she is, maybe early along, but she was touted at the auction as being bred. Some of her pen mates looked ready to pop, others didn't, and there's no telling from an auction. I'm guessing she would be due june/july time period if she is bred, considering when we bought her, but that's a huge if.
Thanks for the tips. Will post again soon.