SO excited to see the sun yesterday, even though the mud is still knee deep. The burst of solar energy inspired rash stupidity and Hub and I undertook one of those adventures that contribute to statistical data of people killed at home while trying to pull over dead birch trees with rope. This required a sling shot, a bow and arrow, different weights of rope in inadequate length, a near miss for a horse (amazing how you cannot get the arrow to go where you want, but can almost shoot a horse you're not even looking at). Now I know why they call those bad, old trees widowmakers. Good thing Hub has the lanky, long legs and can run like the wind with both arms covering his head while I scream trms of endearment and encouragement like "Run, you fool!"
THe afternnon of sunny bliss was topped off by another of our favourite enterprises; setting wet stuff on fire. The liberal use of various accelerants and more shouts of, "Stop, drop and roll, you fool!" overall, a good day was had by all.