This sort of fits in with the save a buck topic. My wife and I are only away from home occasionally so we don't have a contract cellular plans. We buy the minimum pay as go from Bell and Telus which suits our situation just fine. Occasionally the date expires before we buy a new card. If you do not top up again within 30 days of buying a $10 Telus card you lose the unused balance. Telus sends out a letter offerring to restore the unused balance if you top up within a set time limit. In the latest incident Telus sent out a letter dated January 9th offerring to restore the unused balance if we renewed by January 27th. Like most people living in on a farm we do receive mail at our door daily and do not check our postal box every day. We received the letter on January 28th although I believe we picked up mail within a day or two of the 27th. I emailed Telus about receiving the top up offer after their deadline as it had happened previously. They replied that they had sent the letter out on January 4th and that we could top up any time with a credit card which is something we do not have. I emailed a second time pointing out that their letter was dated January 9th and not the 4th. Today we received a message that they would extend the deadline to February 7th. In a way it is another way the telecom people punish rural living people. If you live in town here high speed internet is very available, but if you live a short distance out of town you must rely on satellite or wireless which is slower and more expensive.
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